My friend Brian in Seattle says this is the busiest drawbridge in, what,
the United States? North America? Something impressive like that.


The way cool Department of Safety in charming Anacortes.


SR-71 Blackbird cockpit, Museum of Flight, Seattle.
The coolest plane ever.


Japanese garden, Olympia.


Would you believe somebody in Olympia of all places stole Cardinal Jack?
It's true.


At least we got to see Liarbird.


And the Baptist Generals who never failed to move me.


Rock and roll.


Whitman College conference room/backstage area, Walla Walla.


God's country, Idaho.


Just outside Boise.


Why they call it the golden hour.


The golden hour of Steve ...


... Peter ...


... Ryan.
I failed to get a good shot of Chris from the Generals, damn it all to hell.


Not much going on out in Wyoming.


Unless you count this, I guess.


Crossing the finish line, Omaha. Whew! What a year, friends.
Now let's everybody have a safe and happy holiday season,
and then go buy the new record when it comes out
on February 3! See y'all in 2004!