A Month of Only _M o u n t a i n _G o a t s


London (Slight Return)

The Etro store. Anybody reading this have more money
than you know what to do with? Might you consider a modest,
middle-four-figures contribution to the Help Peter Hughes Look Fabulous
for Spring 2003 Fund, in the form of a check made out to these people?


Quiet post-clothes-gawking lunch in Berkeley square.
Note daffodils on their way.


Snowdrops already here!


Post-show nightcap at the Columbia: John, Chris, Craig, Ed, Tara and drummer Chris.
Chris and Ed are our 4AD bosses/benefactors/friends; Craig and Tara
play in a band called Todd with Ed and drummer Chris.
Go see 'em at South by Southwest!


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