A Month of Only _M o u n t a i n _G o a t s


Our home away from home, the rock'n'roll hotel, a.k.a. the Columbia.


Hyde Park was green.


There were lots of swans.


We rehearsed in the 4AD basement with our London drummer Chris.


Next day we did a session at BBC 6 where we met
Bruce freaking Dickinson. He does a show there.


Day after that we did our Peel Session at Maida Vale. Studio 4 if you must know.


This was the blizzard that effectively shut down London.
They'll thank you to stifle your laughter please.


Next day we did another session, this for XFM, where we met up with more new friends.
That's John, Alun from the Delgados, Ruth our eminently helpful
Beggars radio person, and Emma from the Delgados.


We had the night off, so I got to go see the Delgados. They were massively great.


Remnants of the blizzard of 2003, Hyde Park.


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