• Generation Fuck Shit Up!

    They say parenthood changes the way you see things, and it’s true. You look around and think about the kind of world you want your children to grow up in, the future you’d like to imagine for them. If you write songs, it almost can’t help but inform your work in some way. Say, like […]

  • And All the Men Who Learned
    to Hate Them

    John, I see your Billy Bragg cover, and I raise you one Minutemen cover. Not exactly a union song per se, but a call to arms and the song that’s been in my head on continuous repeat for about the last two years. Feel free to download, link, share, whatever. Power to the people! all […]

  • Fangio Listener’s Guide, Part III:
    The Big Picture

    Hear, hear! As of today, we are officially in business: Fangio is now available as a guilt-free digital download from iTunes, eMusic, and Amazon. Turntable-enabled physical object–fetishists may still order our beautiful numbered vinyl editions directly from Fayettenam, of course, and are encouraged to do so! Big picture fans are likewise encouraged to click on […]

  • ¡Viva Fangio!

    Pictured above with the fruits of his labors is illustrator nonpareil Marty Davis, perhaps the only person in the world capable of generating persuasive likenesses of both myself and Juan Manuel Fangio, from memory, and without question the only person capable of morphing them into the iconic visual punnery you see here. These are the […]

  • Fangio Listener’s Guide, Part II:
    The Songs, Explained

    That’s me, actually, not Fangio. Read the full story at the reliably awesome Clunkbucket. Pleased to report that as of this week Fayettenam is not just taking but filling orders for both the 7″ single and the LP. They exist! Today, in celebration of this fact, some further elaboration to enhance your listening experience.

  • Fangio Update: 7″ Out Today… Sort Of

    So here’s the deal: it’s still indie rock, and sometimes, when you’re doing super-limited, tiny runs of things, pressing plants aren’t always as cooperative as you’d like them to be. So yeah, the actual, physical 7″ single we’ve been promising? It doesn’t quite exist yet. The covers look great though! And we have been assured […]

  • Fangio Listener’s Guide, Part I:
    The Illustrated Timeline

    It’s time, folks. Today, a little history to get you up to speed. Bold bits link to images and are worth checking out for contextual immersion’s sake. Enjoy! 1895 October 8: Juan Perón born in Lobos, Buenos Aires, Argentina 1899 August 24: Jorge Luis Borges born in Buenos Aires, Argentina 1911 June 24: Juan Manuel […]

  • Fangio update; Smooth Sounds out now

    So yeah, as I’m sure many reading this are aware, it’s July now. But I only called it a “target date,” didn’t I? Not every shot is a bullseye. New and final release dates, and to quote Scott at Fayettenam, this is a “hard deadline”: 7″: August 10 LP: September 7 That’s the cover of […]

  • ¡Fangio ya viene!

    I know it seems like I’ve been talking about this forever, but cut me some slack: it was only this time last year that the songs even started getting written. And now? Well look at that shit, will you? Fangio—the album-length sequel to a song I wrote for my Casio-powered solo project, Party of One, […]



alberto ascari art brut australia casiotone for the painfully alone clunkbucket davey g. johnson fangio fayettenam records firebird man franklin bruno grandaddy greatest thing ever hooniverse jimmy fallon joe frank jonathan lee riches karl kling lux marty miranda! mountain goats new zealand nick lowe onofre marimón party of one photos pph r. kelly randy newman rochacha rufus wainwright saab shows shrimper sixten sason stephen colbert sábado gigante the baptist generals the hold steady the idorings the thermals total fucking genius victor muller watkins glen wckr spgt