¡Fangio ya viene!
I know it seems like I’ve been talking about this forever, but cut me some slack: it was only this time last year that the songs even started getting written. And now? Well look at that shit, will you?
Fangio—the album-length sequel to a song I wrote for my Casio-powered solo project, Party of One, in 1987, a song that imagined five-time Formula One World Champion and Argentine folk hero Juan Manuel Fangio piloting a Saab 900 Turbo SPG across the Andes mountains on a covert mission to assassinate Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet—currently sits in pit lane, crew scurrying about, final preparations being made before advancing to the starting grid.
There are ten songs, and their titles are as follows:
01 Operational Detachment Juan Manuel Fangio
02 El Narcoavión
03 My God Is An Angry God (Juan Manuel Fangio Castiga los Pecados del Mundo)
04 La Consciencia Intranquila de Juan Manuel Fangio
05 Edwardian Gray
06 Bebe’s Song
07 El Hombre Mas Macho
08 Compared to Their Predecessors, Today’s Politically Motivated Kidnappers Are Total Dicks
09 Los Viejos
10 Beat Your Halfshafts Into Swords (The Radicalization and Redemption of Juan Manuel Fangio)
That’s too much music to fit on a single LP, so Fayettenam will release the album in two parts: the first two songs as a 7″ single, the rest to follow on a 12″ LP; all of the songs will be available as digital downloads as well. The single and album sleeves will be silkscreened and gorgeous, you have my word.
Also gorgeous? The insanely, pants-shittingly awesome video I just made with former Jalopnik contributor, Bob Mould backup singer, fugitive from Albanian justice, and all around cars-and-music Renaissance man Davey G. Johnson, during the shooting of which the above photo was taken. It’s for “My God Is an Angry God,” and we’ll be putting it up around the same time the single is ready to go (with a sneak preview possible earlier if you’re paying attention here, hint hint).
Target date for all of this ridiculousness: June. Official countdown starts now.
In the meantime: I’m playing a stealthy show here in Rochester tomorrow night, at Casa del Awesome. Contact Brian for directions and info!
Posted by Johnp on Mar 25 10 at 4:30 pmI am giddy with anticipation.
Posted by Valerie on Mar 25 10 at 8:51 pmExcellence. I cannot wait.
Posted by Zach on Mar 26 10 at 4:41 pmSneak preview please. Cannot fucking wait to hear and see all of this kickassness. G’luck with it all, Peter Peter.
Posted by sketch on Apr 13 10 at 8:34 amwhoa, you made a video with davey g?! that dude is such a baller. i am literally shaking from anticipation (and caffeine overload).
Posted by summazooma on Aug 07 10 at 9:15 amNo reference to Carlitos Gardel?
I’m glad that you didn’t mention nephew JMF-II… He’s a good driver but not a revolutionary, man…
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